Who we are

Five peo­p­le who crea­te artis­tic works with natu­ral mate­ri­als in natu­re or in urban space


hree gra­dua­tes of the Staat­li­che Fach­schu­le für Blu­men­kunst Wei­hen­ste­phan: Regi­na Weber from Büdin­gen, Sil­ke Wil­helm from Maxi­mi­li­an­sau, Chris­tia­ne Klei­ne from Creg­lin­gen und Maja Prenz­lau, gra­dua­te of the Hoch­schu­le Wei­hen­ste­phan-Tri­es­dorf (land­scape archi­tec­tu­re), from Frei­sing  found each other by chan­ce, tog­e­ther with Lud­wig Ott, also a gra­dua­te of the Staat­li­chen Fach­schu­le für Blu­men­kunst and direc­tor of this insti­tu­ti­on from 1987 – 2005, and for­med a team for Envi­ron­men­tal Art.

From left to right: Lud­wig Ott, Maja Prenz­lau, Sil­ke Wil­helm, Regi­na Weber, Chris­tia­ne Kleine

The five of us foun­ded the Ursprung group in Octo­ber 2020. We are pro­fes­sio­nal­ly acti­ve in design, working in flower shops and plan­ning offices. Our inte­rest in envi­ron­men­tal art requi­res us to be sen­si­ti­ve to the pecu­lia­ri­ties of natu­re and the growth of plants and to the cir­cum­s­tances cau­sed by humans. We deve­lop ide­as at a loca­ti­on that appeals to us. We sketch our ide­as and imple­ment them in a design with real plant mate­ri­als and some tech­ni­cal aids. The design should con­vey our idea and appeal to pas­sing view­ers, making them won­der and think. We pay our finan­cial expen­ses ourselves.