Pro­ject July/2021


This arch can be seen as a sign of wel­co­me, becau­se about 50m to the back you can enter the mea­dow area by wal­king or by cycling from the vil­la­ge street. The sym­bo­lic natu­re of an arch is ancho­red in many cul­tures and is rare­ly inter­pre­ted in any other way than “be wel­co­me”, “enter” or even “we are con­nec­ted”. This is becau­se an arch has a begin­ning and an end, even if one does not know whe­re one is or the other. You sim­ply decide. 

The shape is made out of long 13-year-old hazel rods, all side bran­ches were remo­ved. The indi­vi­du­al rods were con­nec­ted with a soft wire by means of a twis­ting device and at the same time “bent” by using one’ s own hands and body weight, becau­se a good sta­bi­li­ty had to be achie­ved. No other tech­ni­cal ele­ments were used, except for a tree that could be tied in as a support.

The arch con­nects the river and the bank, and the­r­e­fo­re also refers to the ele­ments of natu­re. In addi­ti­on, the arch also increa­ses the attrac­ti­ve­ness of this place, becau­se a bench and the bridge are con­nec­ted by the arch to form a unit.

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