Chris­tia­ne Kleine


  • Con­cept development
  • Expert in fas­tening techniques

I grew up as the third of six child­ren in a fami­ly of gar­den­ers on the coun­try­si­de. The clo­se con­nec­tion to natu­re and flowers led me, like alre­a­dy my ances­tors, to my profession.
After gra­dua­ting from the Staat­li­che Fach­schu­le für Blu­men­kunst in Frei­sing with the Meis­ter­preis, I gai­ned fur­ther expe­ri­ence in various flower shops and as a prac­ti­cal tea­cher in the voca­tio­nal school. Sin­ce 2010, I, a mother of two, have been working in my own flower shop.
Tog­e­ther with the Ursprung group, I face new chal­lenges and work in phy­si­cal­ly lar­ger dimen­si­ons, with and in nature.