Pro­ject April/2022


By this we mean spaces that can be inha­bi­ted by humans or ani­mals and that ser­ve only a tem­po­ra­ry pur­po­se, name­ly the pro­tec­tion of the brood or from the rigours of the wea­ther. A simp­le roof made of twigs, mos­ses and lea­ves can be hel­pful to avo­id get­ting wet. Howe­ver, it is not sui­ta­ble in the long run. Tem­po­ra­ry pur­po­se is the­r­e­fo­re a cha­rac­te­ristic of a housing.

Pro­ba­b­ly only by the degree of rand­om­ness, or what role natu­re plays in the pro­cess of crea­ti­on. One sim­ply “knows” how a house should look, with most­ly straight walls, win­dows and a roof. A housing can look very dif­fe­rent, and “natu­re” gives both the peo­p­le of a cer­tain cul­tu­re and the most diver­se ani­mal spe­ci­es in a cer­tain envi­ron­ment (imprint) clear ide­as of form with regard to the idea and the material.

We found the the­me of ” housings” in natu­re, espe­ci­al­ly in birds, but also in plants, which desi­gned their “house” in dif­fe­rent ways, often even fin­ding tog­e­ther in a kind of sym­bio­sis, thus ful­fil­ling the purpose.

Sil­ke Wil­helm: My text on the black­ber­ry tunnel

Inspi­red by the clim­bing, all-cove­ring move­ments of the black­ber­ry, a dyna­mic struc­tu­re has been crea­ted that is inten­ded to make the view­er think.

Was it made by coin­ci­dence? Is it man-made?

Fur­ther­mo­re, it is important to me that natu­re takes it back wit­hout lea­ving any residue.

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