Wil­helm Wekwart


  • Pho­to­gra­pher
  • The ide­al idea producer

Hel­lo, I’m Wil­helm, and my pas­si­ons inclu­de natu­re and tech­no­lo­gy, as well as my litt­le son. I love spen­ding my free time out­doors, whe­ther it’s hiking, gar­de­ning, cycling or sim­ply wal­king and enjoy­ing natu­re. At the same time, I have a soft spot for all things tech­ni­cal, which is why I also spend a lot of time with com­pu­ters and came­ra tech­no­lo­gy in my pri­va­te life, in addi­ti­on to my pro­fes­sio­nal work. As the proud owner of a Nikon D750, I have now also deve­lo­ped my hob­by of pho­to­gra­phy into a small side­li­ne. I love play­ing with the came­ra and cap­tu­ring the moments and beau­ti­ful details that you encoun­ter prac­ti­cal­ly everywhere.
The reflec­tions in the water, the gol­den mood in the evening or a pure Mil­ky Way are examp­les of fasci­na­ting natu­ral motifs that need to be cap­tu­red in the best pos­si­ble way.

As a pho­to­gra­pher, Ursprung gives me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­bi­ne the­se two pas­si­ons and the chal­len­ge of effec­tively cap­tu­ring and sta­ging the indi­vi­du­al works made of natu­ral mate­ri­als or natu­ral works of art. So it remains exci­ting for me to see what the indi­vi­du­al group mem­bers of Ursprung come up with again and again to reinvent and pre­sent natu­re – what will our next pro­ject be?