
Our Base


he land­scape along the Iller was stron­gly shaped by the Iller gla­cier during the Ice Age. Fell­heim lies on a morai­ne that breaks off stee­p­ly to the west. The river flows tamed in a con­cre­te bed and is sur­roun­ded by forests, mea­dows and ripa­ri­an forests. At the same time, the Iller is the bor­der river bet­ween Bava­ria and Baden-Württemberg.


Fellheim invites


place with an extra­or­di­na­ry histo­ry – a place for extra­or­di­na­ry cul­tu­ral and musi­cal events in the for­mer syn­ago­gue – and the­re is pure natu­re in the Illertal!
A place for artis­tic crea­ti­on in natu­re – we do Envi­ron­men­tal Art!

Join in?

You would like to participate in a workshop personally or with your group?

Wri­te us your request and we will sup­port you! [Cont­act]