
Visu­al weight and tension

If the desi­gner wants to crea­te a har­mo­nious work of art, he/she has the choice of desig­ning it sym­me­tri­cal­ly or asym­me­tri­cal­ly. In the case of sym­me­try, the point of balan­ce is in the cent­re; in the case of asym­me­try, it is to the left or right of the cent­re, i.e. whe­re the visu­al balan­ce is per­cei­ved by the eye. If the the­me of the task is deter­mi­ned by an inner dyna­mism, the desi­gner will choo­se asym­me­try as the type of order; if the the­me is rather calm or shows litt­le acti­vi­ty of the indi­vi­du­al ele­ments, sym­me­try is the more sui­ta­ble type of order.

An asym­me­tri­cal­ly arran­ged object. Dried stalks of miscan­thus grass were inser­ted on an old tree stump, then the who­le bunch was whis­ked and tied in the upper third like a she­af. By incor­po­ra­ting addi­tio­nal details such as bran­ches and old thick wood, a coun­ter­weight was crea­ted. Fur­ther loads in the upper third crea­ted a ben­ding effect. Ama­zing how much weight the bund­le of Miscan­thus grass stalks could carry!

Even after seve­ral weeks, the object is com­ple­te­ly int­act and alt­hough a hiking trail pas­ses by, no van­da­lism is visi­ble. With incre­asing dura­ti­on, howe­ver, the influen­ces of the wea­ther, espe­ci­al­ly vio­lent winds, are cle­ar­ly affec­ting the appearance.

The last pic­tu­re shows that pre­vious­ly atta­ched addi­tio­nal weights have been thrown off by the wind, the geqirl­te shaft has straigh­ten­ed up some­what. The work has thus almost com­ple­te­ly lost its expres­si­on of ten­si­on and dynamism.

This com­ple­tes the series of our work­shops from the years 2021/2022.

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