What we do

Envi­ron­men­tal Art


nvi­ron­men­tal Art is an art move­ment that came to Euro­pe from Ame­ri­ca. Land art is a term that is rela­ted in con­tent, but often inac­cu­ra­te­ly used. Strict­ly spea­king, it descri­bes the artis­tic (and arti­fi­ci­al) design of a land­scape. Do we make art? That is not our pri­ma­ry goal, our “works of art” are tem­po­ra­ry, not meant for the muse­um. They are given over to “wind and wea­ther” after com­ple­ti­on. The influence of natu­re con­ti­nues to work on them. Our inten­ti­on is to crea­te sen­si­tively, con­sidera­te­ly in and with natu­re. As far as pos­si­ble, we do not use any exter­nal means, we don’t want to achie­ve any arti­fi­ci­al effects. Nevert­hel­ess, the sen­si­ti­ve, con­side­ra­te action, the “human hand­wri­ting”, may beco­me visi­ble and per­cep­ti­ble in natu­re (also in urban space). It is all about an idea that is to be expres­sed through our work. This is how we descri­be artis­tic design.

What we do

Our first project 2021


ctual­ly it was a flop! At the begin­ning of Octo­ber 2020, we held our first work­shop, first inspec­ted the site in accordance with our pro­ce­du­re, found pos­si­ble places and objects and ide­as for them, made dra­wings and sket­ches, took pho­tos for the archi­ve when we retur­ned in April 2021, the­re was not­hing left of what had ori­gi­nal­ly inspi­red us.

It did­n’t help – we had to come up with some­thing new on the spot – the ori­gi­nal­ly inten­ded area had been ploug­hed up and reforested.

Nevert­hel­ess, here are a few sket­ches to give you an idea of our impressions.

To set the mood

A harvested maize field - nothing else?


e see the rows in which the mai­ze was sown by a machi­ne, the cut stalks in which the sun breaks and the con­spi­cuous­ly wide track left by the wheel of the trac­tor. We sen­se in our­sel­ves the bru­te force with which the har­ves­ter cut the mai­ze stalks and with which the trac­tor rol­led them down.

Our eyes see, what we see is sup­ple­men­ted in our brain by asso­cia­ti­ons and reflec­tions. What we think we see is only crea­ted within our­sel­ves. Ano­ther enjoys the play of light and shadow and is fasci­na­ted by the magic the sun unleas­hes on this flat field in late sum­mer and the irri­ta­ti­ons the per­spec­ti­ve lines trig­ger in us.

The “hand­wri­ting” of natu­re in inter­ac­tion with the hand­wri­ting of man, this is the field of ten­si­on in the intellec­tu­al work of the Ursprung group. This field of ten­si­on bet­ween man and natu­re is a spi­ri­tu­al chall­enge for the group.