Pro­ject October/2021: Figu­ra­ti­ve representation

Madam Moun­tain Ash

Loo­king at trees in dif­fe­rent sea­sons, the effect of their appearance on humans can easi­ly lead us to ascri­be to them cha­rac­te­ristics of the human form, e.g. “wee­ping” wil­low, “powerful” or “femi­ni­ne” loo­king figu­re. Some trees can also tell us a fan­ta­stic sto­ry and it is no won­der that trees often play a signi­fi­cant role in fairy tales.

In the case of Madam Moun­tain Ash, the idea of an ele­gant lady in a long, skin-tight dress, moreo­ver with a fur-like ruff made of sil­very shi­ny mate­ri­al, plays a role. The “dress” of blue-vio­let shi­ning blue cab­ba­ge lea­ves tog­e­ther with the “ruff” made of the wool­ly shi­ning frui­ting stems of the wild cle­ma­tis leads our ima­gi­na­ti­on to an ele­gant and sophisti­ca­ted lady.

Hel­lo, may I intro­du­ce Madame Moun­tain Ash, she sca­les her dress from red cab­ba­ge lea­ves that are skilful­ly stap­led tog­e­ther with tooth­picks. Fur­ther­mo­re, she winds her high col­lar of cle­ma­tis vines into a fur. She is very ele­gant and also distin­gu­is­hed. Tog­e­ther with her body made from the trunk of the Moun­tain Ash, she marks the suc­cessful har­ve­st as a field symbol.

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